How much is the course?
The course is £1495, but Premium Members receive a 10% discount. Please speak to a member of the team about the possibility of paying for the course in instalments.
How long is the course?
The course is 8 weeks long.
Are there any live elements on the course that I will need to attend?
There are several live calls on the course that you can attend. For Weeks 1-7, you'll have a call every Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:00 pm GMT/BST on Zoom with your tutor and the rest of the course. During this course, you'll have the opportunity to ask Kate any questions and hear her perspective on the week's content.
You will also have an Agent Showcase to take part in during Week 8 of the course, on Tuesday evening. This will involve reading an extract of your work to two literary agents and receiving live feedback from them.
Lastly, during Weeks 4 and 8, you will have calls on Thursday, including a guest author webinar (Week 4) and an end-of-course celebration (Week 8).
All calls on the course will be recorded and available to be watched back on the platform the following day.
Which genres are suitable for this course?
All fiction genres are suitable for Path to Publication, including MG, YA, and Memoir/Auto-Fiction. Unfortunately, the course is not suitable for specialist non-fiction projects, as non-fiction book proposals will not be covered in the tutorial content.
I’m a writer based outside the UK, is the course suitable for me?
Whilst Path to Publication will focus on the UK publishing industry (for now!) that doesn’t mean it won’t still be useful. If you’d still like to learn the fundamentals of pitching your novel, crafting a convincing submission package and networking with agents, this course is for you. Writers based outside of the UK can also still submit to UK literary agents, making the industry knowledge you‘ll learn on the course indispensable.
Will I be able to complete this course around personal commitments?
The course is fully online, and we estimate you will need to commit 3-4 hours of your time each week. Calls will be held in the evening (GMT) and will be recorded, so can be watched back at a later time. We encourage you to commit as fully as you can throughout the 8 weeks to get the most out of the course.
Is this course right for me?
Have you got a completed, edited manuscript ready to submit to agents? Then yes, this course is for you! Path to Publication won‘t focus on the fundamentals of writing, but rather the steps that come after you‘ve finished your book. If you‘d like a course that focuses more on the writing of your novel, take a look at our
Ultimate Novel Writing Course.